About Night Before Day

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Chained To Weakness

Whatever or whoever we choose to surround ourselves with does define who we are. Sometimes we forget our goals, our dreams, our path when link-by-link we deal with situations and/or people that make us do an action that we think is only...temporary.

We accept that this person did or say something that makes our heart wrench with pain, because we do this for life isn't perfect and we must endure this person or situation so that things do not unravel into chaos, or we loose what we feel is of value: a job, friends, family, money, love...connection.

But what tends to happen as we keep ourselves chained to this mentality that not everything, and no one, is perfect, this connection, slowly, link-by-link, begins to weakened you. We loose faith in enjoying: job, friends, family, money, love...what we are connected to. And as the years go by, we slowly accept that this is what life is about and that dreams and fantasies are just that...dreams and fantasies.

It is easier to accept the negatives that happen in our lives because we hear it everyday that you can't have your cake and eat it too; that life is hard and we can only handle what we are dealt with. It is easy to "be like everyone else" and take and harden our hearts and perceive that what we take, despite the pain we cause to others, we do because--that's life.

It is harder to fight for the positives, to take the challenging path of hardship, which always begins with being alone, lowering ones ego to accept our weaknesses, of what we can not do, what we must accept about ourselves, what we can not see in others, and situations, around us. Yet, when you begin down this solitary road to accept who you are, to accept what you can not change, to fight off the negative things and remember your dream, remember the positives about yourself...a different change begins to happen, link-by-link.

Fighting in the darkness by doing what is right for yourself, by doing what is right for others, by disengaging from the negatives around you, and fighting for the right to live in, and be in, your dream, strengthens you beyond your imagination, and brings you closer to that brilliant dream of golden light.

It is never too late to crush those links of weaknesses, no matter how long the chain which has grown through the years. For as the saying goes: it is only has strong as its weakest link. And though the path may seem like 10 steps back, and nothing is going as it should, and we should just go back to doing what we were doing before because it was what we knew and what was "easier", you must keep your eye on the links of positives for change for the better is eminent.

Break the bonds to freedom, and create a chain, link-by-link, into a whip that would slice the negatives from your life, the weaknesses, to the strength of your dream. For life can be what you make of it, only when you build that chain of strength.


  1. Well that's a great point raised by you, we all suffers from problem through which we forget many things which are good for us and which are goals for our life. Once Upon A Time Jacket at getmyleather

  2. Yes, we do! And hopefully we're become strong enough to remember the good things and believe in it.

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